Friday, January 9, 2009

We Need A Resolution

This article is talking about needing resolutions to any type of conflict, they say conflict is inevitable. It can be when you’re working and having trouble with other employees (co-workers), customers, and maybe even your boss. Than sometimes people have a way of handling their conflicts by just walking away until the person accepts or apologizes to them. They also say that you must communicate with your co-workers because if you don’t it may be immature to the boss and the boss will be disappointed in you. So if you’re that type of person then you might most likely end up jobless or could end up in legal trouble. There are some tragedies to a conflict resolution which are to Keep your cool: never let your emotions take you over, Walk in their shoes: try to imagine you were in their shoes, Use I statements: don’t blame the other person make it kind of about you, Take responsibility: it is not always the other persons fault, Don’t always give in: don’t let the customer take you over and tell you what to do or not. Do as the policy says to do and follow it. So with those 5 tragedies to handling a conflict you shall succeed in life.

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